Jesus wasn’t nice

Jesus wasn't nice.  Jesus was kind. The difference? One is a politeness that may or may not be genuine.  When we “play nice,” it may be a total act. Or we may be obeying societal norms, or acting the way we think we “should.” Maybe we don’t want to make waves.

But kindness is a totally different animal. Kindness runs deeper. Kindness shows compassion. Kindness requires genuine humility. I believe kindness puts itself in the other person’s shoes, empathizing with others.

Jesus was real. This simply means He never put on a show or acted in ways that culture expected. We see this over and over in the gospels in how Jesus interacts with the Pharisees - far from "nice!"

Jesus did not have a mean bone in His body. Yet He always spoke the truth. He never watered down the truth and He never feared man.

It’s not always “nice” to speak the truth.  In our easily offended culture, some have kowtowed to the popular opinion. Jesus never once kowtowed to anyone and yet He was the most humble human being ever. When you are God, there is no need to grandstand or prove yourself. 

How about you?  Do you play nice or are you genuinely kind?  What would true kindness cost you?  

There's a lot of talk about kindness these days, from believers and unbelievers alike.  Why all the fuss?  Why has kindness become the big buzzword of our day?

Because it is so sorely lacking.

Because we all know what a wasteland it has become when it comes to simply loving our neighbors as ourselves.  Fear, suspicion, and "looking out for number 1" can encroach even in the lives of God's people if we're not careful.  

We are to stand out.  We serve.  We love. We give.  We show genuine kindness because Christ lives in us.

Yes, there are many already doing these.  But not enough, apparently.  It's not only because bad news is more prevalent than good when we read or hear the news.  It is the condition of our hearts.

Being kind in an unkind culture or environment is very healing to people who are desperate to see and experience it.  Will we show Christ's kindness to everyone we meet?  It's a tall order.  

It is not hard to be kind to those who are kind to us.  Being kind to those who mistreat us, do not believe in Christ as we do, or do not reciprocate is a challenge.  

But remember Jesus and how He treated Judas.  Knowing that Judas would betray Him, He still loved and served Judas - even washing his feet - to the end.  Can we love like that?  Not on our own!

Christ's Spirit in us empowers us to love and be kind.  That kindness may be abused and misused, but we are to be kind nonetheless.  We strive to not let others' actions change who we are, who Christ is making us to be.  

So let's stop being "nice" and rev up our kindness toward others instead.  Give the gift that you want to receive yourself.  Kindness.  

Thank You, Lord, for showing us the way.  Thank You that Your kindness is true and runs deep.  Undeserved as it is, we receive it and are truly grateful for it.  Amen.


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