Listing your fears

Words have power.  We think words.  We read words.  We hear words.

But the written word can be the most powerful of all.  Whether you think you are expressive/creative or not, we all have creative outlets that help in life.  

I write.  I journal, I write this blog, I write devotionals, and I also write songs.  All of these are not only ways to express my thoughts, they can be very cathartic and bring release in areas that need to be set free.

Which leads me to the topic of this blog.  Fears.

We've all got them.  No matter how bold or courageous you may be or think you are, you will be attacked with fears - especially if you belong to Christ.  The enemy of our souls uses fear as one of his most powerful weapons.  

But there is nothing more powerful than God and His Word!

So I encourage you to bring all of your fears into the light.  Whether or not you are a writer or keep a journal, change your personality just for this exercise!  You will experience freedom by writing your thoughts on a page.

I bet some of you are feeling fear already!  You may be afraid to even open that "can of worms," those rascally fears of yours. Just do it.

As you bring to light your fears, you will see them for the frauds that they are.  You say that they are legit?  I say that for each and every one of them, their antidotes are found in the Word of God.

For example, here is a common one:  fear of the future.

This is fear of the unknown, of feeling like you cannot control your future totally (join the club!) and therefore you are afraid of what you cannot control.

Antidote?  There are so many in Scripture!  But one that comes to mind is the familiar promise in Jeremiah 29:11.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

This was spoken as a prophecy to the Jews by Jeremiah while they were in traumatic situations.  It was not only a comfort to them from God, it was a promise given to them by God and He would deliver, make good, on His promise.

Yes, in context God was speaking to the Jews.  But this promise is also for anyone who is now a child of God.  God promises us a good future!  

Now let's backtrack a bit to March 2020 - even reading those words may bring back unpleasant memories or feelings to you.  That was the start of the pandemic quarantine.

I, like many, thought it might last a few weeks.  Having never lived through a pandemic, how could I know that we would be in for a 3-year ordeal? 

I bring this up to point out that God's "good future" for us is still in play during a pandemic!  We do not see all that God is doing behind the scenes during a very fearful situation.

Fear was fed to us by the media - everywhere we turned, from the need of wearing masks, to the rising death tolls, all that we read, saw, and experienced had the power to provoke fear in us.

But even then, were you to list your fears, you would see that God has the answer.

I'm afraid I'm going to die from Covid.  Answer: Even if you do, you will be with Jesus in heaven!  A future and a hope!

I'm afraid of being isolated and losing my mind. Answer: God was compassionate to have this happen in a day and age where things like Zoom and other ways of staying connected were in place.  A future and a hope!

I'm afraid that life will never be the same. Answer: God is in absolute control and authority.  No matter how our lives have changed as a result of the pandemic, He is still good and His promise of a hope and a future still stands, even if it does not pan out the way we had imagined.

The list could go on and on - fear of losing a job, fear of lack, fear for your children's well-being.  

But when we know God as our constant Provider, as our ever present help in times of trouble, we can have peace in the direst of circumstances.  He is our Rock.  He is our Foundation.  He is our Source and our Strength and Protector, and so much more!

The world is a dangerous place, pandemic or not.  We can choose to focus on all the dangers and bad possibilities, or we can focus on Jesus and all the good that He has planned for us.

It can be quite a tricky dance when what we see is all around us and we cannot physically see God.  

That is where faith comes into play.  We can choose to look to God and His precious promises to us instead of what the media is feeding us, instead of caving into our fears.  We can choose to seek Him and ask Him to allow us to feel His comforting Presence with us always.   For when God is present, there is no fear!

Dear Lord.  If allowed to run amok, fear can encroach upon our hearts.  But You live in our hearts!  And Your perfect love casts out fear.  As we choose to remain in You, Lord Jesus, cast out every fear that threatens to intimidate us. For You are Lord.  You tell us over and over in Scripture, "Do not fear!"  So we trust You and obey You in this.  Thank You that we can live freely without fear!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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