Being molded
We are each of us being molded by everything that we allow into our hearts and minds.
This may seem an obvious statement. But if we stop and think about everything we watch, read, listen to, and think about on any given day, we may be surprised!
First off, there is freedom in Christ. So I'm not here to give you a to do list, or a "thou shalt not" list. When we belong to Christ, we are free to choose what we watch, with whom we spend our time, and so on.
But with that freedom, which is a privilege, comes responsibility.
The Scriptures are clear on this subject. We are either being molded by God into the image of Christ, or we are being molded by popular opinion (the mores of our culture), by others opinions of how we should live, by peer pressure, by the temporal ways of the world, by our own "grid" system (we determine right from wrong apart from God), and countless other ways there are of molding.
Just a reminder that our flesh wants nothing to do with being molded by Christ. So if we feel ourselves bucking up against the Holy Spirit by asserting our own agendas, our rights, etc., then we may have given way to our flesh more than the Spirit in that area.
It's a battle, for sure!
I must remind myself that it's not about perfection (unattainable), but progression. Are we progressing toward heaven? Or are we giving in to the easier, broader path of the world's system?
The thing about following Jesus is that we need to jettison useless ideals that we may have set up as to exactly how our lives are supposed to be lived. Once we set any outer conditions, we set ourselves up for failure.
Remember, the law is powerless to save or transform. It is there for our good and protection, but it is only the power of Christ in us via the Holy Spirit who is able to actually keep the law.
Now you may be thinking that you're pretty good. After all, you don't lie, cheat, steal, or kill.
But what about the more esoteric character qualities like living in peace? Or treating others with respect and kindness, even if we disagree with their view? Or actually forgiving others?
We need help with these now, don't we?
What if the Lord chooses to place you in a workplace where others not only get on your nerves (!), but they do not have your best interest at heart? What if the Lord allows your child to go astray? What if the Lord allows sickness and disease in or around you?
All of these types of situations, and others like them, threaten to mold us not into the image of Christ, but into bitterness, rebellion, self-righteousness, or other moldings that have nothing to do with our progressing in Christ (for our good).
Will we turn to God more? Or will we lose faith and go AWOL?
This molding business is never easy. It takes a lot of trust and submission and yielding to God if we really mean business when it comes to our spiritual maturity.
What does it take to bump us out of God's will? Does it take much? Little? Or are we immovable in our trust and reliance on God?
There is always an agenda in play, make no mistake about that. Here are some agendas that are usually in play at any given moment of our lives:
1. God's agenda/will
2. The devil's agenda
3. Our own agenda
4. Another's agenda
Our responsibility is to discern which of these is actually happening! It may seem obvious, but remember, our enemy the devil is crafty, subtle, sneaky and you can't always detect his "moves."
When we really want God's will for our lives and all of its parameters, we willingly lay down our own agendas and pick up His instead. How can you tell which is which? One offers peace (God's will), though it may involve suffering and/or persecution, the other offers tumult and anxiety.
We simply can never know better or more than the Lord, our omniscient Heavenly Father. What a comfort that when we "sign up" for His will that He takes care of everything. He leads. He guides. He protects. He gives us His peace. We do our part (trusting and obeying) and He moves all of the other parts into place for us. What a wonderful plan!
As for another's agenda for your life - a well-meaning friend, spouse, family member, even clergy - no matter how "good" it may seem to be, or no matter if it keeps the outer peace, if it is not God's will for your life, it is still second best.
God's will molds us into His image. It can be very painful, because it can be so very much in opposition to what we think we want or need. But when we let go of control, give Him the reins, we will feel release and His beautiful Presence and peace abiding in us.
Dear Lord. You always know what is best for us. You see the beginning from the end. You are already in our future! When we simply cooperate with You, Your will, Your agenda for our lives, though painful at times, we can rest assured that all is well, all will be well, and all will go according to Your wonderful plan. Help us trust You in this, Lord, and to want to be molded by You above all. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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