Got peace?

The peace that passes understanding guards your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Peace. Peace of mind. Inner peace. These are ours in Christ. Not in and of ourselves, mind you. I cannot manufacture that sort of peace. There is a true, deep, and lasting peace that we can claim when Christ lives in us via the Holy Spirit. It does not make sense in the natural. At all. While anything but peace rages around us, around the world, in our homes, perhaps, and in our hearts, Christ stands there offering us His peace. How is this possible?! Because He is the Prince of Peace. He is peace itself. This means, for me (and for you, if you are in Christ), that when circumstances and people around me offer me nothing but turmoil, I can still possess the peace of Christ within me. When I love a family remember - go out of my way to show love and kindness - and the love is not returned, and it hurts, I can still live in pe...