I want to read about God, not me

I have read scads of books over the years - Christian books - that were aimed more at me than God. What I mean is that they pointed me to me instead of Christ. Under the veneer of trying to "help" me, they did little for me in reality. Make art for God. Unleash your potential for God. Create something for God. But, you say, they all talk about God! Yes, but indirectly. They focus on self and not Him. It would be like looking at a newborn baby and giving no credit whatsoever to the mother. The mother birthed and gave life to the baby. The baby wouldn't exist apart from the mother. Yet we ooh and aah over the baby, not the mother. It may not be the best analogy, but maybe you catch my drift. We are to fix our eyes on Jesus! (Hebrews 12:2) Look though I may, I cannot find a single verse in Scripture that points me to myself, other than making me realize my need of a Savior. The Bible is not a self-help book - it is the revelation of God to ma...