
Showing posts from March, 2021

Joy vs. happiness

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay,  My, oh, my, what a wonderful day, Plenty of sunshine headin' my way." If you've lived any length of time, you have figured out by now that all the aphorisms in the world are powerless to really help or change you from the inside out.  It's like putting on a brand new outfit.  It may make you "feel" better for a while because you look better on the outside.  But on the inside, you're still you.   Perhaps past hurts still haunt you.  Perhaps you are addicted to worrying.  Perhaps you've read all the "self-help" books and still, you come up empty. Why can't we just muster ourselves into a better self?  Because that is not how any of us are designed. We are designed for a personal, intimate relationship with our Creator.  And, alleluia, this is possible through Jesus Christ.  We can now come close to God because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross...

Maybe you've heard this...

"Jesus has a great plan for your life!" How many of you have heard this statement before?  I believe it is a uniquely American perspective.  However, I do not believe that it is God's perspective. Am I saying that God has a miserable plan for your life?  No. I am saying that following Jesus is hard.  His "great plans," if we are truly willing to obey Him fully, include our pruning, refining, the wilderness (at times), and many more trials and tribulations than we bargained for. I have experienced that the "great life" is more an inner job than outer blessings.  The life of Christ, via His Holy Spirit, comes to live inside our hearts when we receive Christ as our personal Savior.  Now, if we pay attention to Him, our interests have changed.   The accomplishments of this world don't matter as much to us, and if they still do, the Lord has ways of changing the course of our lives so that we are not anywhere near accomplishing what the world deems as ...

Forget the Former Things

  Enjoy my Scripture Song! ❤😀👆

How to know you're saved

When Christ saves you, you are sealed in Him forever.  A spiritual transaction takes place in the heavenly realms.  It is a done deal. You now belong to Christ, not to the world, not even to yourself.  You are His.  This is forever.   This is more than mere comfort, comforting as it is.  This is a rock solid Foundation upon which He builds your life, your character, your hope, your calling...everything. You no longer have a taste for things of this world, namely sin.  The former things have passed away.  Oh, they may still tempt and rear their ugly heads at you.  But they've lost their power over you, their appeal. Your desires are new.  Now, you want to please Christ above all.  It doesn't matter that this may cost you some friends, your reputation in some circles, and even some family members.  These things do not matter in the same way to you any more.  Their "importance" pales in comparison to knowing Christ and H...

Keep praying

Even when you don't see results. Even when you want to give up. Even when things are getting worse. Even when you don't believe. Even when you are tired. Even when you doubt Even when you just want to escape. Even when it seems hopeless. Even when you've had enough already. All of these situations and feelings are when we need to keep on praying and seeking the Lord.   Praying in season and out of season means that not all seasons are alike. Is your horrible "season" just going on and on with no seeming end in sight?  This can be very wearing and stressful on the mind, body, and soul. I don't know why some seasons seem to take forever.  Especially when you have the faith that the season could end with a snap of God's fingers. "Why isn't He answering my prayer?" you ask.  "What is He waiting for?" I don't have an answer for you.   But I do know that we are to keep asking, keep knocking, keep believing, keep seeking, keep, keep, k...

Don't blame God

I am convinced that most people have a skewed viewpoint of God due to how they have been mistreated by people.   People cannot love us like Jesus can.  True fact. And then there are those who do not know how to show love, really, because they have never received the love of God.  So they fight against the very One - the only One - who can give them the love they need and crave. So I am writing this not to suggest, not to tell, not to cajole you to not blame God for how others have mistreated you.  I am writing to implore, beg, and plead with you - do NOT blame God for the pain and suffering you have experienced and endured at the hands of wounded, hurting people.   That is not from God.  Ever. God loves you.  I wish I could write this in 20 miles high letters in writing across the entire world's sky! His love for you is personal, intimate, vast, wide, deep, everlasting, pure, good, true, unchanging, unconditional, and so much more. ...

Knowing your purpose

A purpose is more than a goal or a 5-year plan.  There is a greater, overarching, life purpose that God has for each and every one of us that needs to take precedence if we are to find any meaning in life at all. To know God. But how? you may ask.  Bible study is definitely one way.  After all, it is God's book and revelation of Himself to us.  We see how He chose the Jews to be His own people in the Old Testament.  What did He choose them for?  To be His own.  That they might know Him. Then, we see God send His only begotten Son, Jesus, in the New Testament.  We see God's endless grace and mercy poured out toward us through Jesus.  Now, we too, along with the Jews, are called to know God.  As we come to know Christ, He grafts us into the true Vine - Himself.  We are now part of His family. He sets a course for our lives once we belong to Him.  It may look nothing like we'd imagined for ourselves in our own, limited minds....

"Jesus Messiah" sung by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Love this song.  Sing a long and worship and praise the Lord Jesus Christ!  He is worthy!

The good part

Mary has chosen the good part. Martha was busy preparing food, flustered and anxious because she was trying to do too much.  Perhaps her intentions were good - she wanted to make it all "just so" for Jesus, to feed him, to make sure she was being a proper hostess. But she missed out on the best part. Being with Jesus. Mary sat at Jesus' feet. Mary wanted to be  with Jesus.  Mary didn't seem too concerned about feeding or serving Jesus. Wow!  What a lesson in love and life! How many of us are more concerned with doing  for the Lord than just being with Him? How does that leave us feeling?  Anxious?  Frustrated?  Like we could never do enough?  Striving in our own strength? Jesus told Martha flat out, "Mary has chosen the good part."   It's like Jesus was saying, Thanks, Martha.  I appreciate you wanting to make a meal for me, but why don't you just sit and relax and be  with Me a while? Jesus loves relationships.  Jesu...