
Showing posts from December, 2022

Read this and be offended

So I said the following a little while back to my virtual Bible study chicks, and here's what happened. "Whatever good you see in me is all Jesus. Whatever bad you see, that’s all me."  Crickets. Their pride just couldn't handle it.  I suppose their silence, though speaking volumes, was better than they verbally stoning me! Oh, how most still want to believe that they are "good" people.  Let it go, folks!  If most of us are actually "good people," then why did Jesus die? All I know is that the longer I know Jesus (35+ years now), the more I realize just how wretched I am.  And I'm ok with that.  Actually, I'm downright thrilled with that. Why?  Because the onus of any of this being a good person falls on Jesus, His Spirit in me.  I know I can't keep it up, that my "niceness" will eventually fail.  But Christ's goodness and kindness?  Now that's the real deal! But there is a caveat.  You've got to go.  Yep.  That...

God's will?

When Paul was Saul, he thought he was doing the Lord's work by killing Christians.  I know.  Doesn't seem possible, yet that's how it was. Job's friends thought they knew best when preaching at Job, yet they were thorns in his side at a time when he really needed some good friends.   So how do we know when we are truly doing God's will?  How do we know when we are working for Him and not the enemy?  Yes, I believe it is that black and white.   Jesus Himself said we are either for Him, or against Him. So all of you “grey area" thinkers, listen up!   There are two forces at work in and around us at all times. One is Almighty God (what most call "good" but they don't attach the Lord to it).  The other is Satan.  I really hate capitalizing his name, but that's how it is spelled.  When you are born again, you now have spiritual discernment.  Without the Holy Spirit, we can't really discern right from wrong, good from evil,...

Who needs religion?!

You will eventually despise and resent religion.  Why?  Because no one can keep the ten commandments fully. No one can keep manmade laws perfectly.  Religion places an impossibly heavy burden on you that you cannot carry, so of course you give up!   That is why you need to discern between religion and having a relationship with Christ.  Never the twain shall meet. It's kind of hard to wrap your brain around because Christ is intertwined with Christianity, a religion. But Christ came to set the captives free.  Now mind you, He still would have us obey the law but He knows that we cannot in and of ourselves; not the way that we need to. He knows that we could never earn our salvation.  He is our Redeemer. If your pride dictates that you still try to be a "good" person, and do the "best" you can, good luck.  You may pull it off to a degree, even win the compliments of people, but it just won't cut it on Judgment Day! We. All. Need.  A....

Knowing God's Presence

  My devotional on Knowing God's Presence is available as an ebook on Amazon.  Download it today and be encouraged!  Keep it open on your Kindle or phone throughout your day and stay close to Jesus always! Download here: Thank you for supporting the ministry the Lord has given me! Love, Elizabeth

For the record

No one wants to come to Christ.  There is nothing in us that wants God.  There is no one born righteous, not even one.  We all like sheep have gone astray.  We are born in sin. There is one way and only one way people come to Christ:  He draws them.  He calls them.  He chooses them. We take zero credit for our salvation, for wanting God, for seeking God.  It is all God's doing. What about the "religious" people who faithfully worship at church, temple, mosque, or what have you, every week?  Oh that part is easy.  Anyone can set their alarm, wake up, and get themselves just about anywhere. Perhaps God is drawing them.  Or maybe they are "going to church" to win brownie points with God, curry His favor by their "good" behavior.  That won't fly. I don't make these things up!  It's all in the Bible, dear ones. You are reading this for a reason.  Perhaps God is drawing you now, by His Holy Spirit.  If you do not ...

I am not my own

I have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus.  I belong to Him. Where do you belong? To whom?  Deep down your soul knows that not one of them - those places and people you named - are nothing more than a house of cards.  They are rickety, temporary, and will never truly give you what your soul needs and longs for. Until you belong to Christ - Your Creator and Savior - you will forever be wandering (and wondering) in this life.  I don't care how big your bank account, social network, or family is.  There is nothing out there that will ever give you the deepest security, love, and sense of belonging that you were born for. Since I am not my own, my life is not my own.   If more Christians lived this way, knowing and believing that truly their lives are not their own, the world would be entirely transformed. What do I mean by all of this?  Simply this.  You are not in charge of your life.  God is. He calls the shots. He is your Maste...