Having discernment
I believe now more than ever that Christians need to pray for more astute discernment. What spirit is this? Is this a trusted source? Is this person truly of God? These questions are ones we need to ask ourselves, and God, as the enemy endeavors to deceive even the elect. Are we beyond deception? I think if we think we are beyond it, that is precisely when we can fall into it! Now I've been studying God's word for over three decades. I'm no scholar, but I know God's character. I know His ways. I believe Him with all my heart. I know that He is true and that He is the one, true, living God. Does this make me impervious to deception? I must stay in His Word, seek Him daily, in order to not fall into any sort of deception. Deception is deceitful! Yes, I am aware I am being redundant! But because it can be subtle, and sound even good, we really must be ever vigilant. We may even need to give ourselves a good ol' dose of some ...