
Keeping God at the center of our lives

If I focus on people more than Jesus, then they become the center of my life.  My life is my inner life first and foremost: my thoughts, emotions, desires.  What or who am I allowing into my heart?  How do I practically guard my heart? "Halt!  You cannot enter here!" I can speak these words out loud to anyone or anything trying to overstep my boundaries.  "You are not allowed into my heart, for it is holy ground because Jesus lives there." Things that cannot abide in the same place where Jesus is: - hurt - unforgiveness - lust - pride (being "right") - fear - doubt - people's opinion of me - confusion - worry over a perceived lack of resources - fearing the future based on past experience - comparisons This is not an exhaustive list, but you get the point.   But when I let Christ rule in my heart as the center of my heart and life, I am trading the above list in for this list of rich benefits: - peace - love - joy - boldness - courage - wisdom - knowle...

How my problems help you

I can't tell you all the reasons why God allows so many trials in my life.  But I believe that He wants to redeem each one of them and use them for His purposes. Enter, readers. When I write about my woes and how God is transforming me through them, or when I write about His victory over a certain situation or obstacle, or even when I write about longstanding unanswered prayers, or how I struggle with doubt, they are all for your benefit!  How? We all need to know that we're not the "only ones" with the problems that we have, whether internal or external.  We need someone to relate to what we are going through so we don't feel alone, or strange, in our suffering. What is your testimony?  It could be that you haven't reached it yet.   Joseph in the Old Testament had a 15-year long trial when he was wrongfully imprisoned.  There, he met with more tests and trials than most of us will ever endure.   In the midst of his imprisonment, Jos...

Using God's gift of intuition wisely

God is Omniscient.  So not only does He know everything that is happening at all times with everyone, everywhere, but He knows the beginning from the end.  The end was already written and given to us as a precious gift in the book of Revelation, if you dare read it. For the saint, the book of Revelation is a book of praise, worship, and honor to our glorious eternal King! It tells of our glorious future with Him for which He provided and paved the way!  For the sinner, it is a terrifying revelation of what is to come.  And believe it or not, it will come. When we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, we have God Himself living inside us.  Now we are not omniscient, only God is.  But He does reveal to us what we need to know out of His endless intel storehouse. So when we get a premonition, or intuit something about someone or an event, that is a gift from God, His eternal, all-knowing Spirit. What we do with it matters. If it is a revelation about evil ...

What are we building?

There are so many things we are told we should be building.  A life, a career, relationships, a network, a legacy, an empire, a bank account, a reputation, a home, and the list goes on. But what does God tell us to build? When He called His disciples, He asked them to leave  whatever they were "building" - a fishing business, being a tax collector (career), etc. - to follow Him.   Where?  To do what?  These are questions that we ask Jesus all the time.  Did the disciples ask Him these questions?  We don't have record of it, if they did.  None of the gospels say that the disciples questioned Jesus' call to them to follow Him.  They just did.  They dropped whatever they were doing and listened to Him. That takes guts.   Now did they have all the trappings of life that we have today?  The modern conveniences?  Technology?  Of course not.  Did that make it easier for them to give up stuff and follow Jesus w...

Your past does not dictate your future

When we look back to our past for answers, sometimes it is helpful, sometimes not so much. The trick is to know which is which. They say if you don't know history that you are doomed to repeat it.  And there is some sense to that. We learn from our mistakes, not our successes.  I love Edison's quote about his invention of the light bulb (I realize that he actually may or may not have invented the light bulb, but bear with me): “ I have not failed.   I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work .”  Thomas Edison What isn't "working" in your life right now? Have you given up?  Have you looked to the past and figured, "Why bother?  It didn't work out then, so why would it work now?" Looking back can paralyze us.  It did Lot's wife - she literally turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back instead of moving on and forward as God commanded them to. Our minds are extremely powerful.  They can create scenarios that may or may not happen.  ...

Forgiveness is a habit

  Like any other behavioral pattern we establish, I believe that forgiveness can become a habit for us, too. Instead of our knee-jerk reaction being anger when someone harms us, we can go straight away to forgiving them. How is this possible?  Practice.  Like any other habit, we need to practice it until it becomes second nature - or better yet, first nature! Think back on how many millions of times Jesus has forgiven you your sins.  Do I exagerrate when I say millions?  Maybe.  Maybe not! And when we come to Jesus asking His forgiveness, has He ever once denied us His grace?  This is miraculous, if you ask me!  Does He "hold it over our heads" for a few days until He decides to pardon us?  Thankfully, never!  Can you even imagine?!  It would be torment to our souls if Jesus did not at once forgive and restore us!  And of all people, Jesus has the "right" and power to withhold forgiveness and instead "make us pay."  But He...

A recipe for insecurity

I've seen this a lot.  Some of the most "successful" people are deeply insecure.  Why is this and how can it be?  After all, they seem to have everything they want, like they have it "all together." It's very simple. We are not created to find our identity - self-worth - outside ourselves.  Why not?  Because outer parameters can change.  In an instant. And somewhere deep down, our soul knows this.   Jobs can be lost. Relationships can fail. Homes can burn down. Reputations can be ruined. Good health can diminish. Possessions can be stolen. The stock market can crash. Everything and everyone that people try to get identity from is essentially as a vapor.  Oh these things may appear  lasting and may offer a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. But God has more for us.  God designed us for more.  God wants us.  And until He becomes our only  Source of security, we will always, on some level, feel insecure. The insec...