
Showing posts from October, 2020

Enemy tactics

Did you know that the enemy will distract you from God's will with something totally unrelated to His will?  The enemy is always trying to divert our attention off of the Lord and onto something totally irrelevant to our walk with God. When you obey God's will, you have a huge influence on those around you. You never fully know, this side of heaven how your obedience is influencing others for His Kingdom, but God promises to bless your obedience.  So not only does your obedience bless your life, but is also blesses those in your sphere of influence. Be forewarned: when God tells you to do something, and you obey God and step out in faith, the enemy will try to get your focus on something or someone that doesn't matter in the least to your calling. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood.  So when the enemy brings to mind how someone mistreated you, remember that you are dealing with principalities and strongholds in the spiritual realm, not  the person who harmed...


Have you ever gone through a crisis and when it was over think, "Finally!" only to meet with a new crisis?   Just when I think the bad times are behind me, something else pops us to try and derail my composure.  It is frustrating, to say the least. I whack one proverbial mole only to find another one popping up. Where is the rest?  Where is the peace?  Why is God allowing trial after trial in my life? God promises us calm in the midst of the storm.  He promises peace not as the world gives - not through the "security" of money or possessions which deep down we know are here one day, gone tomorrow.  His peace is powerful.  His peace is permanent.  It calms emotional storms within us. When will it all let up?  When will your own struggles end? I wish I could tell you that it will let up soon.  Very soon.  But I know that we will all be "whacking moles" probably right to the very end - either the end of this earthly life or until ...

God's good plans for you

God's plans for us are good.  He promises us this. Christians love to quote this verse from Jeremiah.  We all want to know that our future is a good one. But what does God deem "good?"   I have had so many trials and tribulations in my life.  If I were to freeze-frame each one, they would hardly look like they were part of a "good" plan. We have been mislead to think that the American Dream is God's good plan for our lives.  If that were all there was to it, then how would the world discern between those who belong to Christ from those who are in the world?  If God is there only to "make all our dreams come true," then we're under a false belief.  That is not what God means when He talks about His good plan for our lives. Sometimes, the truly "good life" looks worse than what others have.  For example, did Paul believe in God's "good plan" for him when he was beaten, shipwrecked, going hungry, left for dead, beaten, thro...

Believing the best

Many years ago, I was part of a wonderful, small, and very loving church.  The pastor's wife was not typical in her appearance or personality.  She was artsy, dressed very fashionably, and was forthright in how she spoke to others.  And she had a great sense of humor!   She wasn't quiet and meek.  Nor was she boisterous or unbecoming. When she spoke, I listened.  She was a friend and I trusted her. Now since it was such a small group of us, she had time to meet up with me whenever I'd ask.  It wasn't often, but when I did, she was there for me. I spent three and a half heavenly years with that fellowship before the Lord moved me to another city. When I told my friend, the pastor's wife, that I felt led to move on, I could tell she was saddened to see me go.  It was clear that she preferred that I stay with them - the fellowship - but she wanted what was best for me.  And she knew that following the Lord was best for me.  Then she sp...

Loving vs being loved

Whenever I look to be loved, more than I seek to love others, I suffer.   Whenever we look to get, we lose.  Whenever we look to give, we win. When we give love that is not returned, we win. When we love those who hate and mistreat us, we win. When we love others expecting nothing in return, we win, "But that's not fair!" you say.  I'm not talking about fairness.  I'm talking about life. When we are not loved by those who are "supposed" to love us, it hurts.  Deeply. You can try to reason away why they are so hateful, but it still hurts.  Remember, people have issues. Old Testament Joseph was abandoned and left for dead by his brothers. That wasn't love.  That was hate built on a foundation of jealousy and envy. Certainly that was not how it was "supposed" to be.  Yet it happened.  But God allowed it for Joseph's ultimate good. "You intended to harm me,  but God intended  it for good  to accomplish what is now being done, ...

God detaches you from some relationships

Sometimes, the Lord removes people from your life you thought were going to "be there for you" for life.  Not everyone in your life is a keeper. When God detaches them - when He has acted on your behalf - it is easy.  When the other person decides or when we decide to move on, it may not be so easy.  But when the detaching is from God, His peace is in your spirit. It's like you want to miss them, you think you should miss them, but you are alright with it.  This is a grace from God.  Don't fight it!  Relax into it. In these last days, the Lord knows who's who and who is a detriment to His work in and through us and who is a help.  Let Him remove whom He will.   We must stay closer to Christ than ever before in these last days.  To say the days are evil is the understatement of all time!  The Word clearly states that things heat up more in the end. How will we stand?  How can we endure? We must lean into the Presence of Christ m...


When Christ sets you free, there is no effort required.  It just is. All the striving and wanting to be free are replaced with the simple and profound release, freedom, and Presence of Christ. Maybe you have been praying to be set free from a certain habit, sin, bondage but have not found freedom yet.  You have cried out to the Lord and your heart is in the right place. But still, no freedom. Old thought patterns and habits hold strong to your soul. What is the answer? If Christ promises to set us free, then why are so many of us still bound by our ways and thoughts? Old wounds can get the best of us if we let them.  But Christ longs to set us free from all pain and bondage! Sometimes, the Lord simply shows up.  We may not have been praying or even thinking about being free, and one morning, it just happens. That is what I experienced the other day.  It was bliss.  It was heaven.  There was no effort on my part.  I simply was free.  Free on t...

All God's Children Have a Destiny - by Elizabeth Vecchione

My catchy tune for kids about their destiny in God.  Big kids will enjoy it, too!

Your calling

Your calling as a Christian is not a job title, or some great work to do.   Your calling as a Christian is to love others. Now that seems obvious, no?  Even unbelievers may have heard that Christians are to love one another. But why, then, aren't there more of us?   I will never forget an incident when I spoke at a Women's Retreat.  I don't remember exactly what I said, but I mentioned something to the effect that if we were truly loving each other as Christ loves us, the churches would be packed to the gills!  The lost would be so drawn to us/Christ, they would be getting saved.  Our example of loving each other would win and woo them to Christ.  Because His love draws and attracts.   What happened next is what I will never forget.  Literally half of the women applauded and yelped for joy in agreement.  The other half sat there, arms crossed, stony-faced, looking not too pleased.  Visually, they were literally split ...

Leap for joy

Jesus tells me... Keep loving people no matter how they treat you. Love is not a feeling.  It is a choice.  It is action. I chose and loved Judas knowing from the start he would betray Me.  But he was a crucial part of the Father's plan. So when your enemies "send you to the cross," so to speak, since everything that comes your way must be approved by Me first, I am allowing it for your ultimate good. Though the cross is excruciatingly painful - dying to self, to "rights" - it births a resurrection always if you follow through. If you refuse to "go to the cross," then you forfeit the fruit, the rewards. Because it is the cross that eventually gives life.   " And  after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace,  who has called you to his  eternal glory in Christ, will himself  restore,  confirm, strengthen, and establish you."  I Peter 5:10 So don't be too quick to complain or grouse when you are mistreated for My sake....

Worshiping Jesus

I encourage you to worship the Lord today!  Wherever you are, whatever is happening in or around you, He is worthy of our worship.  He is the only One worthy of worship.  Play my song, "Lord, I Lift Up My Heart" and sing along.  Have a love fest with Jesus!  Lord, I Lift Up My Heart We were created to worship God.  So when we don't, we're not living in our true identity or greatest purpose.  Worshiping, or giving our highest attention to, anything or anyone else leaves us empty and is futile. But when we worship the Lord, He is glorified and we are filled with His love. It is a beautiful thing when done from the heart. So take just three minutes right now and sing along and worship Jesus!  You will feel better.  Promise!

Stand strong

The Lord calls us to stand our ground in Him.  This means that we do not kowtow to passing fancies of the day.  Though most others may choose the broad path, we are stay on the narrow path assigned to us by the Lord.   When we veer from His chosen path for us - the path of obedience - we are in dangerous territory.  Though unbelievers may seem to flourish on the broad path (the operative work being "seem"), it will all come to nothing one day if they ignore God and are just doing their own thing. Don't be enamored by the world's ways.  It may be slick and glossy - appealing to the eyes - but it is mere fluff.  The lasting stuff is that which we do for the Lord.  These are works that may go unnoticed.  These may be inner qualities like patience, a forgiving spirit (or at least a willingness to forgive out of obedience to Christ), wanting Christ to be glorified in our lives - these works are gold in the Lord's eyes, though the world could care ...

Choosing the best foundation

In times of trouble, we revert to what we know.  We do whatever habit we have formed before the time of trouble. During this pandemic, have your habits changed at all?  Have mine?  What is this troublesome time teaching us personally? I am in the habit of seeking the Lord every day.  I seek His Presence, His wisdom, His peace, His insight, His love - I seek Him.  This habit has served me well over the decades, to say the least.  It is like a soft, cushion-y substance that I rest on, find my strength - yet not my strength, but His.  I do better when I don't try to be so strong, but when I rely on His strength.  After all, there is no stronger source of strength than God! Yet underlying the soft cushion of His grace, mercy, love and security is the strongest, rock-like foundation you could ever have.  It never goes away.  His Foundation is forever.  It is secure - even in the most troublesome times. We must be careful because those "f...

God's will

As Christian's, we want to know God's will for our lives.  We are eager to learn our purpose and place in this world, what He would have us do.  And there's nothing wrong with that. The trouble comes when we put our thirst for knowing God's will above our hunger for knowing God.  Do we only want to know what we are to do  for Him?  Or do we want to know  Him? These are not the same desires.  Wanting to know a person is quite different from wanting to get advice from him.   I have been guilty of this - wanting to know my purpose more than wanting to know God.  I want to be of use to Him, and that is a good thing.  But wanting to work for Him and wanting to cultivate a love relationship with Him are two very different animals.   It is enough to obey His revealed will.  Are we even doing that?  Love each other.  Forgive each other.  Keep no record of wrongs.  Give thanks always.  Rejoice always....

Live a Life Worthy

This is my first blog entry.  The Lord told me to start a blog.  So here I am!   I love sharing what I'm learning from the Lord - His Word, life experiences, what He is teaching me, struggles, victories, etc.  Nothing excites me more than sharing new insights about God!   I am also a songwriter so I will be sharing my music here, too.   And don't forget to check out my musical, "Knowing God," at the Knowing God tab. Thanks for being here!  Enjoy one of my songs: Love, Elizabeth