
Showing posts from July, 2021

I want to read about God, not me

I have read scads of books over the years - Christian books - that were aimed more at me than God. What I mean is that they pointed me to me instead of Christ.  Under the veneer of trying to "help" me, they did little for me in reality. Make art for God.  Unleash your potential for God. Create something for God. But, you say, they all talk about God!  Yes, but indirectly.  They focus on self and not Him. It would be like looking at a newborn baby and giving no credit whatsoever to the mother.  The mother birthed and gave life to the baby.  The baby wouldn't exist apart from the mother.  Yet we ooh and aah over the baby, not the mother. It may not be the best analogy, but maybe you catch my drift. We are to fix our eyes on Jesus! (Hebrews 12:2)  Look though I may, I cannot find a single verse in Scripture that points me to myself, other than making me realize my need of a Savior. The Bible is not a self-help book - it is the revelation of God to ma...

Letting everything fall apart

What is bugging you?  What is beyond your control?  Actually, that last question isn't fair - because nothing is really  under  your control and if you think it is, you are most likely stressed out. Holding it all together, are you? Talk about a stressful job! Am I suggesting that you let it all fall apart?  That depends.  Everything you try to "control" or hold too tightly has no real power to give you what you are looking for.  Controlling everything cannot offer you the peace and contentment that you really crave. A few years ago, I was lying in an ER bed stressing not about my health, but about how everything would run, or not run, without me.  My home, my family, my job - all that I felt responsible to and for. I will never forget the words a wonderful ER nurse spoke to me while I was lying in that bed - I don't even remember telling her about my worries, but she probably "smelled" them on me.  She said, "Sometimes, you just need to let ...

Stop saying how things are "supposed" to be

What situation in your life is not as it should be?  We all have something  we wish were different.  This is not even out of discontent or complaining.  Some things are just not as they should  be. Life is not perfect.  We all know that much! But what is that thing in your life that is not as it is "supposed" to be - at least in your estimation?   If a loved one refuses to seek God and is living a life of rebellion and sin against Him, we know that this is not as it should be.  "Lord, I've done everything I can to help him/her.  He/she is not changing, Lord, no matter how hard I pray or even fast.  When are You going to fix this for me?" Maybe you live with physical pain and you just can't take it one more day. Maybe you are discontent with yourself and wish you could respond to your trials with more grace instead of frustration, doubt, or fear. Maybe, just maybe, you  are not as you are "supposed" to be yet. Do You think the Lord d...

Binge-watching "The Chosen"

While watching "The Chosen," I saw the most moving scene I've ever seen in any movie.  Ever.  Nicodemus met Jesus. Nicodemus was a scholar, the head rabbi - very intelligent, well-respected, and learned. He, like all the other Jews of his day, were waiting for their Messiah to come. When he met Jesus, he had all sorts of questions for Him.  Jesus spoke plainly to him telling him that in order to see the Kingdom of God, he needed to be born again in spirit. Nicodemus had never heard such teaching ever, nor had he read it in the Scriptures he knew so well. Yet in his spirit, he felt that he was hearing truth.  He felt that he was standing on holy ground, and he was. Nicodemus was now not only learning about truth, he was meeting Truth.  And he would bever be the same again. What a difference between reading about God - head knowledge  - and meeting Him face to face!   Nicodemus was a chnaged man after meeting and talking with Jesus.  With all o...

How to be conformed into the image of Christ

So if you are a Christian, this topic should interest you.  How much?  More than your "dreams."  More than raising your family.  More than your career.  More than anything and anyone in your life - this should be your main purpose in life. Oh to be sure, He uses  all of the above-mentioned parts of life.  But how? It is a process.  There are no "three easy steps" that I know of to get this done.  But there are ways of being - attitudes - that help the process along. Christ does the work in us.  But if we don't let Him or cooperate with Him or obey Him in everything - yes, everything - then we will not be conformed into His image the way He has in mind for us. For me, it's always in the hard times.  The trials and tests of life have a way of whittling away the sharp edges in our souls.  This hurts.  I mean if a slab of marble could feel when the sculptor chisels away at it, I don't think it would be enjoying it! I believe i...

Give up your puny plans for God's plans

Think you know best?  Think you can dream up a better plan than Almighty God?   I want only God's plan for my life. I don't want my way, I want His way. I don't know the way, only Jesus knows the way. Do you know how long it has taken me to reach this point?  Decades, friends, decades. So be careful because you can spend an entire life - even as a follower of Christ - seeking your own will, way, and plans.  Millions all over the world are doing just that.  How do I know?  I think the world would look completely different if we were all totally on board with God's plans.  Because His plans are good!  His plans are best!  His plans are beyond our wildest imaginations!  There would be many, many more souls won to Him. What's wrong with making plans, you may ask.  It's only wrong when done apart from God's will, without seeking Him or acknowledging Him.  If you bulldoze forward because you pride yourself that you are a "planne...

Living with this dichotomy

Can you feel blessed and favored by God and also cursed by man?   Things are getting weird out there, folks.  Really weird. The more we shine our light for Jesus, share the Truth - not your truth or my truth, but the Truth - the more we experience hatred and disdain from others. Get used to it. Or as Bette Davis famously said in All About Eve, " Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy night."  The confusion happens when we mistake being mistreated by others as mistreatment from God.  After all, God is Sovereign.  So He could stop others' persecution of us, right? Yes, of couse He could. Yet stuff happens. There is a huge spiritual battle raging around us 24/7. Those who oppose Christ - many, ignorantly - they don't even know why  they're opposed, but they just are - are rampant.  Haven't run into many?  I'd say you are in the Holy Huddle, then.  This is not how Jesus lived His life. Jesus was "out there" among the people - many o...

Two steps ahead, one back

That is how we travel our faith walk.  Two steps ahead, one back. No one's trajectory is full on straight ahead. Life happens. There are setbacks, tests, trials, apathy, and so on. The key is to not berate yourself over the one step back, like I do. Progression, not perfection, is what a family member once told me.  Was my quest for spiritual perfection that obvious?!  Can someone want to be like Jesus too much? The more we rest, the more we progress.  That is my new motto. Fruit doesn't force itself to grow.  It simply hangs on the branch.  The water, soil, sun, climate, and so on, take care of the rest.   So for all of my effort to do more, be more, and the like, I've decided to rest in Jesus instead. This is not passive.  Not one bit. It is wise. Hey!  How about that!  I have been praying for more wisdom lately.  There it is! Be still.   Another translation reads cease striving - trying, pushing, wanting, being imp...

One of my favorite things

One of my favorite things about belonging to Christ, having an intimate relationship with Him, is that He totally "gets" me. I never need to explain myself to Him. He already knows. He knows why I behave the way I do - all of the back story. He knows what I'm made of because He made me. He absolutely and thoroughly understands me. And He loves me one million percent. This kind of love is a foundation. This kind of love and acceptance and belonging is found nowhere else. That is why I cling to Him so. It is all there, in Him. All of the love, mercy, compassion, understanding, belonging, and fulfillment I could ever want are all found in Him, the Lover of my soul. He "gets" me. He knows where I've been, how I've been treated - even mistreated because of my love for Him - and He is preparing countless rewards for me in Heaven with Himself. But all the blessings in the universe cannot even come close to the blessing of His Presence, fellowship with Him. Matc...

Do the math - we're closer than we think

For any of us who have lived any length of time, we know that seven years is but a breath, a blink. So let's imagine for a moment that the Great Tribulation, which lasts a total of seven years, is just around the corner.  Whether or not we are Raptured before it, God only knows!  I'm not here to debate post-trib or pre-trib.   Lately, I've been thinking about just how soon Jesus' Millennial Reign may be happening.   I mean, we come back with Him to rule and reign during His millennial reign.  And that may be only a few years away!   This excites me to no end!!! A world where perfect peace, justice, unity, and righteousness reign.  Can we even imagine it?!  I'm not talking heaven here, folks.  I'm talking about true peace on earth - and this for one thousand years!   Jesus promises that He will be back here to reign - in person! - on earth for 1,000 years before the final showdown (Armageddon). We will see Him!  H...

What drives you?

What comes to mind when someone says, "She's really driven" about another?  Is it an admirable quality?  Or do you envision a greedy, ambitious, and unlikable sort? I don't see Jesus as driven.  Jesus was 100% submissive to His Father's will.   Submission.  There's a word you don't hear too often these days. Submission sounds like we're weak, like we have no backbone - like we're a milquetoast. But Jesus' power came through His connection and obedience to His Heavenly Father.  Obedience implies submission. Jesus' miracle-working power came through His divine connection to God. Could Jesus "take" His own power and use it?  I'm sure He could have done so.   But Jesus was all-wise.  Therefore, He knew from whom His truest and most mountain-moving power came - not from Himself, but from His Father. So Jesus was not driven, but led. Jesus was led by God into the wilderness where He was tempted by the devil for 40 days. A self-drive...

Practicing my song, Fill Me, Holy Spirit

  So I got a bit behind in my "every day" practicing.  I could give you a thousand excuses, but I can't blame "busyness" because we can always make time for what we are called to do, right? Anyway, here's what happened when I sat down to sing my song, "Fill Me, Holy Spirit." As I sang, the Holy Spirit did fill me. I felt His beautiful warmth and Presence, more real than anything you could imagine. I felt His peace flood my soul.   I felt His pleasure. I felt at home. So beautiful.  So faithful and generous of Him to meet me as I sang to Him. Then, at the end, I heard the birds outside my window, which is directly over my keyboard, singing, singing, singing at the top of their little lungs!  They were joining me in praising God, I know it! I guess the takeaway is this:  God told me to practice all of my songs.  I obeyed.  What felt at first like an overwhelming task has actually become a joy!  It lightens my spirit and heart.  It bri...

More than meek and mild

I wrote this years ago and couldn't find where I posted it.  I coudln't find it on my Mac or on my Pinterest board.  Anyway, I finally came across it the other day! I sort of remembered what I wrote but not fully.  I couldn't wait to share it with you. I believe many people - Christians and not - see Jesus in a very one-dimensional way.  Yes, Jesus is definitely meek (humble) and mild (kind).   But there is so much more to Him!   Just as we are complex people with different facets to our personality, Jesus, even though fully God, was also fully human when He walked this earth. Maybe some like to put Jesus in the meek and mild box because they do not want to face His omnipotence or have to bow down to Him as Lord. The meek and mild Jesus offers no threats. But wait!  There's more! I love all facets of Jesus.  I love that He was fearless to ruffle the Pharisees feathers.  He never did it for the sake of ruffling,  His speaking th...

Idolizing our problems

We all do it.  Some may do it less than others, but we still do it nonetheless.  We worship our problems. Is this too strong a language?   If we focus on, meditate on, spend time thinking about, and magnify our problems, then yes, we are worshiping them! As Christians, we know that worshiping anything or anyone else other than Christ only leads to disillusion and heartache.  Worse yet, it is a huge sin. So how do we make idols of our problems? We cling to them.  We think about them day and night.  We are consumed by them. Now this is not 24/7 (hopefully!) and it is not every day. But it happenes enough to deform our character in those moments.  That is because whatever we behold, we become. Like most every other sin, at the root of it is lack of trust in God. If we don't believe that God will help, rescue, deliver, heal, or remove whatever is "getting our goat," then we simply do not trust Him. Is there any problem too big for God to handle? ...

It matters what we read

I love to read.  In addition to the Bible, I read mostly Christian non-fiction.  But the Bible is always first. I tend to gravitate toward the classic writers and also contemporary writers who write deeply of Christ. I noticed that when I read other contemporary books - those that are popular and all the rage in Christian circles - there is sometimes a different tone about it. They are more me-centered.  They get me thinking more about myself than about Christ.   I get a nervous or anxious feeling when reading them. I was trying to come up with a good analogy for this.  The best I could come up with is this: one is like drinking an empty calorie drink - my flesh likes it, it may taste good, but it is useless to noursih me.  The other is like drinking the purest, cleanest, freshest, spring water.   Sorry, but that's the best I could come up with. One type of book makes me think of myself (hence, the anxiety and lack of peace), and the other dr...

Jesus has more for you

I read this passage in my quiet time this morning. I had to ask myself, what "wells" am I digging with hopes of quenching my "thirst" in place of Christ's living water? I know where it's at.  I know where true life, joy, peace, and contentment are found.  They are found in Christ alone, in no one or no place else.  Period. Oh there is fun to be had and frivolous stuff that may perk us up for a bit.  But in reality, they are powerless to fill our souls, fill our hearts, as only Jesus can. Yes, the Lord gave us this beautiful earth to not only steward, but to enjoy  We can grow to worship Him more when we think on everything as from His creative hand - the sun, moon, stars, oceans, mountains, and so much more.  All planned and made by design.  Even the waters of the Flood that carved out the modern world as we know it - His hand guided the water to give us the Grand Canyon and every other natural wonder that we see on earth. However, we are to worship th...

The best version of yourself?

"Be the best version of yourself." There are so many of these trite sayings floating around these days. Though many of them sound  wonderful, they're all houses of cards. It saddens me to think that countless people think they can build a life on these sayings when, in reality, they can't.  Not really. Oh it may look and feel good.  It may even last for a bit. But at the end of the day, any "best version" of ouselves we can muster on our own  (translation - in the flesh) can never compare to the life that Jesus Christ gives us. Jesus comes to live in us not to make us a "better version" of ourselves - heaven forbid! No.  Jesus comes to take over.  Can you stand it?  But what happens to me, you may ask.   That's the beauty of it!  As we surrender to Christ and allow Him full control in us, we   not only become the best we can be, we become supernaturally equipped to face anything and anyone that comes our way.  We do this in His...

Falling at Your Feet

So years ago, I sat down to write an old-fashioned style hymn.  This is what the Lord inspired in me. I just sat down to sing it and whenever I do, I can't make it through with dry eyes. It is such an awesome truth and Reality that we will one day see Jesus face to face.  It is such an awesome Reality that we will be there in His glory with Him, though we have done nothing to earn a place there.  Out of His mind-blowing grace, we will be allowed to enter in where the streets are made of gold.  We will reign there with Him.  We will wear crowns. To imagine the next life in comparison to life as we know it on earth, well the difference is unfathomable. In Revelation 1:17, the apostle John says,  "When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man." God is that awesome and holy.  So falling at His feet when we see Him as He is is a Reality.   If any of you grew up singing the great hymns of old, the chord progression of my song will make sense t...