
Showing posts from January, 2021

Sweepers, sayers, and silent ones

It seems like there are a few different ways that people deal with conflict.  Sweeping, saying, or staying silent. Some are great at sweeping things under the proverbial rug.  Problem with that is the problems are still there!  Oh they may seem  hidden, but if you lift up the rug, there they are in all their hidden ugliness. Some are great at talking (this has been my "gift" in the past!).  The problem with this can be that we say too much.  People may not be ready to hear what we have to say.  And trying to clear things up by bringing them out in the open can backfire if not done in the Spirit.   Then we have those who don't say anything at all.  They don't sweep and they don't speak.  They keep it all inside to themselves.  These may be the winners on the outside because they appear to be fine.  However, their physical bodies may belie this seeming fact.  They may have ulcers or a damaged nervous system or a cabinet...

Forgiving others brings us to a better place

We've all known them.  People who hold grudges.  There is something small about them, almost like a caricature.  Not fully human.  Not able to be free within themselves. Holding on to unforgiveness shrinks us.  Where we could be stronger, taller, more fully fleshed out if we were forgiving instead, we remain small, lost, tied up inside by our unwillingness to let go, to release the other from our "right-ness."   Are we "right" when we assess someone's wrongdoing toward us?  We may be correct in our assessment of the situation, but that doesn't make us right.   It is so harmful to our souls, psyches, even our physical bodies, when we hold on to bitter feelings inside toward others.  So why do we do it?  It feels horrible!  Why do we torture ourselves so? We think that it somehow "gets back" at our wrongdoer, but we couldn't be further from the truth.  It harms us.  The very thing that's supposed to make us "feel b...

The one who understands you

Do you know what it feels like to be misunderstood?  Do you have people in your life who truly "get" you? If no two people are really like, including identical twins, then how can there be "kindred" spirits?  Can we be like anyone else if we're not like anyone else?! When we feel misunderstood, like others just don't "get" us, it can be frustrating.  We all want to be accepted as we are.  But what if "as we are" is not at all how others perceive us? Remember, people look at us through their, mostly distorted, lens.  We don't truly see others, either, most of the time. But the comfort lies in this:  there is one - the only one, really - who knows us through and through.  He "gets" us because He made us!  No one else on earth can claim this place in our lives.  Though our mothers birthed us and probably know us better than anyone, there is still one who sits far and above even our mothers when it comes to being understood:  th...

Strength Will Come as We Wait

  Tired from waiting for someone or something to change?  Does waiting wear you out? There is a kind of waiting that renews our energy and strength instead of sapping it - that is, when we wait on the Lord.  Wait for His Presence in your quiet time.  Wait for His answer to your prayers.  Wait for Him to deliver, heal, restore, and provide.  As we wait on Him for more of Himself and His provision, our soul finds rest.  We are strengthened.   May this song be a reminder of these things! Lord Jesus, help we wait well.  Please remind me that Your timing is perfect in all things. Give me grace to wait on You and trust that Your Presence is always here with me.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen

Lessons from the wilderness

The Lord did many things for the Jews while they lived in the wilderness, but Exodus 19:4 sums up three of the ways He cared for them. He cares for us still in these same ways. 1.  He deals with our enemies.  He destroyed Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea.  You don't want to mess with God's people! 2.  He bears us on eagles' wings.  He lifts us up and carries us.  He helps us soar, even during our problems. 3.  He brings us to Himself.  This is His goal all along!  To bring us into intimate relationship with Himself. The Lord also provided daily bread in the wilderness - not too much, not too little - just the right amount.  But if the people hoarded His provision out of fear, greed, or doubt, the bread become full of worms and moldy. When, however, they saved two days' worth ( in obedience to God this time ) of manna so they wouldn't have to gather on the Sabbath, but instead rest, then the manna remained fresh and edible.  ...

The best to do list ever

If I gave you a list of all the things that you are to entrust to the Lord, it would go on forever.  Now I could easily sum it up in one overarching way - trust Him with yourself.  But what does yourself include? Here is a list to get you started.  It is not exhaustive, but it gives you an idea of just how much you can trust Christ. Trust God with or for your: Health Finances Future Past Present Circumstances Whole heart Job security Provision Safety Security Identity Eternal place Salvation Redemption Heartache Healing Restitution Recompense Reward Justice Peace Friends Family Debt Self-image How you see others Relationships Age Output Purpose Mistakes To be fearless Faults Temper Self-control Resources Network Lack Abundance Possessions Broken relationships Fears Doubts Hurts Regrets Trauma Resolving what bothers you Impossible people and situations Wealth Talents Issues Make up for lost time Insight Wisdom Guidance To lead you Help you let go Surrender Doctor's report ...

The Love of God

  Dear Lord, I pray that whomever listens to this song would come to know and believe that You love them.  Always and forever, truly and deeply.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Giving is getting

No one likes to feel deprived.  When we "give up" stuff, we can feel "less than."  But some giving up is freeing.  When we give up sweets, we lose weight.  Losing weight - giving it up, so to speak - feels great!  This "loss" is a positive one. Not all loss is bad. There is a trend that has been happening for a while - downsizing.  To me, this means we had too much to begin with. There is something freeing about cleaning house, getting rid of stuff we don't really need (maybe never really did).  So this is another example of good loss. It feels better to give than to receive.  That is why the Lord told us, according to Paul in Acts 20:35, we're more blessed when we give than when we get. Our loss is someone else's gain.  Another cliche, but cliches have a way of ringing true.  A trip to Goodwill feels good on two counts.  We make a more spacious living space for ourselves, and we bless another's life. So why are we so bent on "getti...

Why worry?

What are you worried about?  Do you have many cares?  Do you worry easily?   Have you ever asked yourself why you worry so much?  Has worrying ever done you a lick of good?  What does it accomplish?  Does it solve anything? If we look at worry straight on, see it for what it is, I don't think we would ever worry again.   What worry "offers:" Anxiety Fear Uncertainty Stress Doubt Physical side effects Who in their right mind would want these things in their life?! But how can I help it? you may ask.  You do not "have to" worry.  I repeat, you do not have to worry.   You have a choice. Reasoning and trying to figure out every little thing is exhausting.  And no matter how smart we are, or think we are, our intelligence and reasoning skills are no match for God's omniscience and wisdom (to say the least!). That is why when we "give it to God," surrender our worries, fears, and doubts, and allow Him to resolve, heal, deli...

The art of listening

How many good listeners do you know?  I know very few.  I'm not sure why this is - why most of us are so much better at talking than listening.   Everyone wants to be heard.  To be understood. But when we're too busy talking or waiting to voice our opinion instead of truly listening to others, we lose out.  Everyone has something to teach us.  Everyone.  From the youngest child to the oldest senior.   I think to listen well, you need to possess the following qualities: 1. Humility 2. Patience 3. Empathy 4. Teachable 5. Ability to focus/concentrate If we do not naturally possess these qualities, we can learn them!  How?  Like anything else: practice. We tend to respect some people's "voice" over others.  Usually, this is due to that person's reputation - they have been deemed an "expert" or they have many "followers."   But people can build a reputation on sheer pride that has nothing to do with what they truly ha...

God's calling on your life

How do you know God is calling you?  Are you waiting for a sign?  An audible voice?   You will most likely get neither. God can be as direct or subtle as He pleases.  But His foremost desire and purpose for us is that we know Him.  So if we're looking to do  something - even for Him - then we are putting the proverbial cart before the horse. First we are .  Then we do. So who are we?  Are we committed to Christ?  Do we trust Him fully?  Because if we don't have those two qualities, then He is not going to tell us what to do.   If you're itching to act but God is not through with your season of waiting yet, then you will have to learn how to live with that itch!   God's call is unique and specific.  It entails everything we've ever experienced, seen, heard, and lived.  He uses all of it and wastes nothing.  The good, the bad, the ugly - all of it.  Being the Master Designer, He knows exactly ho...

The purpose of suffering

We like comfort.  No one likes to hurt, be in pain.  We want to avoid it at all costs.  Yet as Christians, we are called to suffer as Christ did.  What does this mean in day to day life?  It's not like we're looking to get hurt - that would be masochism.  No.  But we are on a different path from the world, to say the least.  Our tastes have been transformed, if we have progressed with Jesus to any extent. What the world finds fulfilling, we do not.  We are no longer attracted to sin.  We have renounced our pride, even though it may still rear its ugly head now and then. We have renounced "making our own way."  We follow Christ, His way. How is this diametrically opposed to the unbeliever's lot in life?  Simple.  Christ calls the shots.  We follow and obey. This is not giving up our adulthood, our responsibilities, and following without our faculties.  No.  It is a decision we make.  We choose to trust C...

The Kingdom of God

We can build all sorts of things in life.   A legacy A family   An empire   A home  A career   A network A fortune Building God's Kingdom is not like building anything else we can build.  Not everything that is God's Kingdom is visible yet.  Also, the Kingdom of God is within you.  So we learn that it is both a physical place yet to be, but also inside our spirits. "For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."  Luke 17:21 How do you build a spirit?  And how do you measure its progress?  It is not that specific a science.  Only God fully knows each human heart. So building the Kingdom is more than merely "winning souls for Christ," though that is a good thing.  But how do those "won souls" turn out in the end?  Do they go on to grow in Christ as one of His intimates, willing to follow wherever He leads?  Or are they merely good churchgoers, complying on the outside while their inner "house" ...

Problems are temporary

Sometimes, this is all we need to know. Dear Lord, please help me see that my problems are temporary.  Help me focus on You and Your glory - eternal things - so that I may gain a better perspective on life here and now.  I trust You, Lord, and leave all that concerns me in Your very capable hands.  Thank You in advance for how You are working things out for my good!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Timing is everything

Why is this such a popular saying?  And how do we get good timing?  Is it an inborn quality?  Can it be learned? When we follow the Lord, we are in a prime position for great timing.  Why?  Because His timing is absolute perfection, down to the millisecond. Though His timing can seem "late" in our way of thinking, it never is.  Not even once. What are you waiting on the Lord for?  A desired outcome?  A promotion?  Release from a difficult situation where He has told you to stay put a while longer? Whatever it is you are waiting for - even after you have done everything you possibly could to "make it happen" but it still eludes you - trust that the Lord knows exactly what He is doing. He alone knows how to "make things happen" for you: - in the best way - at the best possible time - when it blesses you the most - when the time is right! Waiting is a fine art these days.  In past generations, waiting was a natural part of life much more so...

He Who Began a Good Work

  This is a song I wrote based on Philippians 1:6. Philippians 1:6 , NIV: "being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Yet another glorious promise from the Word of God! Dear Lord, thank You that You are faithful to see me through to the end.  Thank You that as I cooperate with You, You will finish the work You started in me, bringing me to full maturity in You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

You Are Lord God, Most High

  Sing along and praise the Lord!!!

We triumph in Christ when we follow His lead

Did you know that as Christians, we do not have it in ourselves to win spiritual battles?  We are no match for the devil. Now this should not scare you because when we are in Christ, He has the power to beat the foe.  Every Time. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 2:14 that Christ always  leads us in triumph.   Always.  That means always! So why, then, do we still fail in our attempts to live a godly life? Simple.  At that moment, we are not following Jesus. We call ourselves followers of Christ.  And overall, we are. But in the heat of the battle, when we are suffering, when others are upsetting us, or whatever the case may be, are we following Christ then? He always leads us  in triumph.  So that tells me that triumph, or victory, is not a given.  We must do  something.  And that something is not what we think!  It is not to fight back in our own strength.  We lose when we do this because our battles our spiritual,...

Are You Carrying a Heavy Load?

  This is another "pin" from my Pinterest board of my original sayings.  Sharing this to help those of you who feel overburdened with a heavy load in life.  May these words lighten your load as you release it to the only One who can fully carry it - the Lord Jesus Christ. The rest of the quote: Don't forget to check out more inspiration here:  My sayings Dear Lord, help me let go of this load that I am carrying.  I trust You to take care of all that concerns me.  Help me do my part and leave the rest to You.  Thank You that I do not have to be anxious for anything because I belong to You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Don't compare

  This is one of my writings that I pinned on Pinterest to my original quotes board.  For more inspiration, check it out here:   More quotes If you're struggling with comparing yourself or your surroundings to another's, pray this prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for thinking me up.  You formed me in my mother's womb as a unique creation from Your imagination.  This is awesome!  And You created me for a purpose.  Thank You that my foremost purpose is to know You, dear Lord.  Help me grow in Your likeness as I serve and love You with my whole heart.  As I do this, I know that I will become all that You imagined me to become when You made me!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Fearless and bold

What does it mean to be fearless?  Some think that it means that you boldly go forth not paying attention to any authority whatsoever, doing whatever you "feel" like with no regard for anyone else.  This is "doing your own thing."   This can look tempting.  But at its root is prideful rebellion and eventually leads to disgrace and downfall. Being fearless in Christ looks a whole lot different, to say the least. When we fear God - have a reverential awe of Him, His holiness, and see Him as Lord - then we fear (are afraid of) no one else. What can man do to me?  (Psalm 118:6) We go forth boldly knowing that the power of the universe resides inside us, is for us, wages war for us, when necessary (Exodus 14:14), and gives us all we need to obey Him and live for Him wholeheartedly in a world that hates and rejects Him (and therefore, hates and rejects us). We need this boldness in order to face the persecutions that we face as Christians.  Some of us face m...

You Are

  I wrote this song shortly after 911.  Can you believe it's been 20 years?   This song is perfect for our times now - a reminder to run to Christ when world events baffle and disturb us.   He provides peace. He provides reassurance. He reminds me that He is in absolute control and that He knows exactly what He is doing. We need never fear when we belong to Jesus. We need only stay close to Him and He will protect, provide, and heal. He delivers. He restores. He mends. No other place or person in the world can give us what Jesus does.  Won't you come to Him today? Lord Jesus, You are the One I run to.  You are the One who's there for me.  Thank You for this awesome and wonderful truth, Lord Jesus.  I love You.  Please stay close to Me not only in times of distress or disturbance, but always.  Please give me more of Your wisdom in all things, Lord.  Thank You that I can trust You even when things don't make sense to me....


Once in a while, I read a book that is so overwhelmingly helpful in my walk with Christ that I must tell others about it. I have been reading "Maturity," by Sinclair B. Ferguson.  I am on chapter eight which is about Fighting the Enemy.   Here is the link where you can buy the book.  This is all I want to share with you today, to tell you of this wonderful book to read and ingest. I am simply encouraging you to read this book.  It is rich in God's truth.  It is helpful for growing in Christ.  It is chock full of wisdom that we all need. I pray you buy it and read it and that you grow in your faith in and walk with Christ as a result. Lord Jesus, I pray for all those reading these words right now that You would move in their hearts to buy and read "Maturity."  I pray that it moves them to become more serious in their commitment to You, Lord, in this New Year and ...

The task at hand

A New Year!  A fresh start!  That is what we feel each January 1st.  We praise God for another year of life! As I read from one of my favorite devotionals this morning, "Joy and Strength," a compilation of writings from some of the greatest saints gone by (compiled by Mary Wilder Tileston), I thought that I would share with you today's reading.  The writer puts it so well and beautifully what we all need to hear today. "The year begins; and all its pages are as blank as the silent years of the life of Jesus Christ.  Let us begin it with high resolution; then let us take all its limitations, all its hindrances, its disappointments, its narrow and commonplace conditions, and meet them as the Master did in Nazareth, with patience, with obedience, putting ourselves in cheerful subjection, serving our apprenticeship.  Who knows that opportunity may come to us this year?  Let us live in a great spirit, then we shall be ready for a great occasion."  Geor...